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paul mcnamara


Fellow Legionnaires,

As I hope you know, VetFest has been in the planning stages for a while now and the planning committee is doing a great job.  In many ways the event which is in November, is already just around the corner. So, I would ask you to get involved this year and volunteer to help.  It doesn’t take a big commitment but we do need people to pull it off. If you are interested please talk to one of the committee members and I’m sure we can find something that meets your schedule and level of available commitment.

VetFest also offers us the opportunity to promote the Legion.  Remember, we are all recruiters.  There are many veterans who have never had any exposure to our organization and its values.  You could be that one person who informs a veteran about this great opportunity to be a member and continue serving their country albeit differently simply by starting a conversation.

Finally, when I look at the news and see some of the divisiveness it reports, it makes one wonder if our country will survive.  I am always reminded of what a friend once told me – during the sixties we had Vietnam, Civil Rights and other controversial issues, and we still managed to a put someone on the moon.  That’s what makes us great.  So don’t be discouraged, we are Americans and we will work through our differences.  

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