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No sickbay.

I will be retiring from my work on September 27th 2024. That said, I will be moving to Rock Springs, Wyoming. I have one more newsletter to wright. My heart will always be here with Post 149. I want to thank all Commanders, past and current. Commander Jennifer, thank you for trusting me with duties of being your Chaplain for almost 3 years. Theres more to do than just for prayers. I have done many Celebrations of Life. Not an easy task, buts it’s an honor. When a member walks up to you and says, I want you to do mine. Not to soon. When members or family are in the hospital, care center or their home. Your commitment is taking time out of your schedule, yes, weekends to spend time with them and pray for them. I’ve done many Four Chaplain services. Thank all my Chaplains for helping me to make it a success.

These things that were written in the Scriptures so long ago are to teach us . . .
—Romans 15:4

In the wonders of nature, we see God’s laws in operation. Who has not looked up at the stars on a cloudless night and marveled in silent awe at the glory of God’s handiwork? Who has not felt his heart lifted in the spring of the year, as he sees all creation bursting with new life and vigor? In the beauty and abundance around us we see the magnitude of God’s power and the infinite detail of His planning; but nature tells us nothing of God’s love or God’s grace. Conscience tells us in our innermost being of the presence of God and of the moral difference between good and evil; but this is a fragmentary message, in no way as distinct and comprehensive as the lessons of the Bible. It is only in its pages that we find the clear and unmistakable message upon which all true Christianity is based.

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