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Sickbay: Past Commander Bob Hamm: Was taken to the hospital in an ambulance to Palamar. Sad thing is he had to wait in the emergency room for over 20 hours. He eventually they got him his room. The results were low on vitamins and other meds.  He even mentioned no clue. I visited I’m on Tuesday. Good spirit. He’s out and doing well. He was at the Post breakfast.

Announcement: Myself and our Post Commander will be performing the Four Chaplain Service in February, 3rd week at 11:30, on the 18th, which will be the post breakfast, come out and enjoy a great buffet and stay for the service. Put it in your calendar.

Yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
—1 Corinthians 15:10

Let us face this fact: We came into the world with nothing, and we will leave it with nothing. Where do we get the notion that man’s idea of success and God’s are the same? You have written a book; you are a clever manager and promoter; you are a talented artist; you are independently rich; you have achieved fame and fortune. Without the gifts of intelligence, imagination, personality, and physical energy—which are all endowed by God—where would you be? Are we not born poor? Do we not die poor? And would we not be poor indeed without God’s infinite mercy and love?

We came out of nothing; and if we are anything, it is because God is everything. If He were to withhold His power for one brief instant from us, if He were to hold in check the breath of life for one moment, our physical existence would shrivel into nothingness, and our souls would be whisked away into an endless eternity. Those who are poor in spirit recognize their creatureliness and their sinfulness—but more, they are ready to confess their sins and renounce them.

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