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jen holden


My fellow Legionnaires, I thank you for the increased participation I have seen at the Post this month! We had our largest Post meeting in months on the 18th! The Post clean up on the 23rd was a success! The response to my last newsletter has humbled me. Thank you for all your kind words and actions.

Looking forward to our future as a Post, what is a program that we at Post 149 do well? Ponder that question. We need to excel in one program established by the American Legion. We need to do this well so we can be proud of the programs and the Legion. These programs join us to the larger Escondido Community. Is it the American Legion baseball team we support? Is it the Boy Scout troop we sponsor? Is it our interactions with the local first responders? Where can we do better? What impact would you like to see Post 149 make in Escondido? These are questions I ask myself. I believe that our Law and Order program is one in which we excel. The honoring of our first responders is essential to community. When you see me at the Post let me know what you think we do well!

It is with gratitude and that I wish a fond farewell to Freddie and Jacinta Camacho! Thank you, Freddie for your service as Judge Advocate, your help, and advice as I became a new Commander. You will be missed. Jacinta, I know that the Auxiliary will miss you as well. I will miss your smiling face and hugs.

I want you all to know we are in search of a new Post Historian. If you or someone you know would be interested in performing this vital function, please let me or the Adjutant know. This officer position will be open this month after the E-board meeting.

Don’t forget that this is your post. We are here to support you, but we can’t do that without your participation. I look forward to seeing your faces at one of these events and around the Post and Clubroom.

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