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jen holden


Happy Holidays my fellow Legionnaires! Our first half of the year is almost over, and I want to say thank you for the efforts you all have made to be a part of the Post’s happenings. We will be holding a Post Clean-up Day on Dec. 3, 2023 in the morning.

VetFest was a great success! Thank you for all who participated in the parade or the ceremony at the Post. Much gratitude Mike Frank, Junior Past Commander; Paul McNamara, 1st Vice Commander; Stef Holden, 2nd Vice Commander, these men were instrumental in the planning and execution of the 4th Annual VetFest and Parade. 

Have you heard of the Be the One Campaign? 

Here is an except from the National American Legion website: Today, the No. 1 issue facing the veteran community is suicide, according to the National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report. It is estimated that between 17 and 22 veterans or servicemembers take their lives each day. That’s more than 6,000 annually. The rate of suicide for veterans is more than 50% higher than that of non-veteran adults.

Be mindful of our brothers and sisters that are struggling with demons that we cannot see. Reach out and make a phone call or send a text to a fellow Legionnaire. We are a community and we rely on each other. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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