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bill stintsman


Almost daily someone asks me who is taking over as the next Adjutant. That’s a good question that remains unanswered. We’re still looking for a few good candidates. Yes, you! Moving on in life, exploring new places, and staying involved with the family is also part of life. Being an active member of a veteran service organization is something that should also be a part of our lives. If you have already served your local Post – we all thank you. If you haven’t – well, it’s your time to shine. Posts don’t survive when the membership sits at the bar complaining about the future demise of yet another Post, but that’s all I seem to hear lately. Stop complaining and do something positive for the organization. Step up and become an active participant in the leadership of this great organization and see it progress into the future instead of becoming a piece of our past. The Adjutant is one of the most important officer positions in the Post, and it is a very fulfilling job. Stop by the office and find out that this job is a actually a right fit for you.

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