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cody york


Hello Legionnaires,

We’ve faced some challenges with events this past month, and I want to address an important issue. Despite having 617 members, we struggle to find just 5 or 6 volunteers for events like Third Friday Dinners, post breakfasts, and other gatherings. This post belongs to all of us, and its success depends on collective support. Without volunteers and participation, we risk losing the very place we’ve all worked so hard to maintain.

Events aren’t just about socializing — they generate vital revenue to keep the post running. Yet, only 15 people attended the last dinner, which is a disappointing turnout. We want to host more events, but we need your help to make them happen. There are committees that need members, such as Law and Order Dinner, Fundraising, and Club Room. If you take pride in this post, please step up and get involved.

Upcoming Dinner:

Date: March 8th (rescheduled due to college night on the third Saturday)

Status: Dependent on volunteer participation — without enough help, this and future dinners may be canceled.

I invest time and effort into organizing dinners and running Pub Grub on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays to bring people into the clubroom — not for myself, but for the members and the community. We offer meals at prices lower than local restaurants, creating an affordable way to gather and connect.

Membership Renewals:

We’re currently at 80% renewal — meaning 125 members are still outstanding.

Please renew in person or online at

If you know a veteran who isn’t a member, invite them to visit — the first beer is on the post!

Let’s work together to keep our post thriving. Your time, presence, and support make a difference.

For any questions or to get involved, reach out to the Adjutant:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (760) 208-5775

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