February is upon us, and with it comes some exciting events and opportunities to strengthen our American Legion family. As always, I want to thank each of you for your dedication and continued support of JB Clark Post 149. Here’s what’s happening this month:
Super Bowl Potluck & Watch Party – February 9
Are you ready for some football? Join us on Sunday, February 9, for our annual Super Bowl Potluck and Watch Party at the post! Kickoff is at 3:30 p.m. Sign up to bring a dish with one of the bartenders. Bring your favorite dish to share and come cheer for your team with your Legion family. Whether you’re here for the game, the commercials, or just the great company, this is always one of our most popular events—don’t miss it!
District Meeting – February 9
This month’s District 22 meeting will be held in the Hall on Sunday, February 9, at 9:00 a.m. during the Sons breakfast, which will be held on the patio. These meetings are an excellent way to stay informed about what’s happening in our district and to share ideas with fellow Legionnaires.
Bring a Member to the Post Meeting – February 18
Our February general membership meeting is on Tuesday, February 18, at 6:00 p.m. Our 1st Vice Commander made a challenge for us to reach out to a member you know and ask them to come to the Post Meeting. If you know someone who’s eligible to join or a member who hasn’t been to a meeting in a while, bring them along! It’s a great opportunity to connect, share ideas, and build our Post’s future together.
Post Breakfast
The Post is the sponsor of the Sunday breakfast on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Our Post has held breakfast on Sunday mornings for decades. We need members to step up and come help cook and serve because we cannot provide this service without manpower
Heartfelt Thanks
I want to take a moment to thank all of our volunteers who make these events and activities possible. Your time and efforts are what keep our post strong and active. If you’d like to get involved, there’s always room for more helping hands. Let’s keep the momentum going in 2025. Remember, the strength of our post lies in the commitment of its members. Together, we can continue making Post 149 a beacon for veterans and our community. Do we want to be the organization that would be missed if our doors closed tomorrow? I know I do. We need to do better.
I look forward to seeing you all at our events this month. Stay safe, stay engaged, and let’s make February a month to remember! For God and Country!