Greetings my fellow Legionnaires. I am coming to you this month to discuss serious matters. Our Post is in financial peril. The Executive Board has had many meetings to brainstorm what to do and how to proceed. We all need to determine our future as a Post. As many of you know, the COVID shutdown really hit many organizations hard, and our Post was no exception. We functioned off of our banked savings during this time and now those savings are close to becoming depleted.
Where do we go from here? There are things we can do. First, the Clubroom will be making some changes in operations to help mitigate some of the cost for utilities and payroll. Second, we need to have more activity in the Clubroom. The way to do this is to have a Clubroom committee to help plan and put on activities at the Post and Clubroom. Third, we need more rentals. The renting of the Hall or Yard are also a source of revenue that will help keep the Post open. Encourage friends and neighbors to rent our facility. If you’re somewhere that caters to parties or similar activities let them know about our Post as a valuable community resource. Fourth, show up to a breakfast or a Post meeting.
This is your Post. Why are you a member of the American Legion? Why is the American Legion important to you? What about the Post is important to you? What will get you motivated? Think of the good we do for our community and how it will suffer if JB Clark Post 149 ceases to exist.
The Post is more than a bar! It is a place where we, as veterans and our families, can come to relax, be part of a group, and to have the camaraderie we experienced during our time in the Service. This Post is a second home for many. This Post gives many people a purpose. This Post has been part of Escondido for over 100 years! We need to come together to support the Post or the Post will no longer be here to support us.